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2018年9月10日讯, 9月9日,日本水族馆举办白鲸艺术活动,一头白鲸叼着画笔作画有模有样。其实除了白鲸,动物界还有很多的绘画天才— —大熊猫“阳阳”的“水墨画”在网络上以每张490欧元进行拍卖。

  2018年9月10日讯,9月9日,日本水族馆举办白鲸艺术活动,一头白鲸叼着画笔作画有模有样。其实除了白鲸,动物界还有很多的绘画天才——大熊猫“阳阳”的“水墨画”在网络上以每张490欧元进行拍卖;狗狗Tillamook Cheddar举办过6次画展闻名世界;多个国家的大象都展现出超高的绘画天赋;还有老虎、猞猁、小猪甚至蜗牛都会作画。一览动物界绘画天才的风采吧!图片作者:HEINZ-PETER BADER/视觉中国

September 9, 2018, Yokohama, Japan - A Beluga paints a picture with a special paintbrush at the Hakkeijima Sea Paradise aquarium in Yokohama, suburban Tokyo on Sunday, September 9, 2018. The aquarium started to show Beluga's art event through the end of next month. (Photo by Yoshio Tsunoda/AFLO) LWX -ytd-

Giant Panda Yang Yang uses finger paint and a brush to create a picture at Schoenbrunn Zoo in Vienna, Austria, August 10, 2018. One hundred of her works will be sold online for 490 euros each, to fund a picture book about the Vienna zoo's pandas. Picture taken August 10, 2018. Heinz-Peter Bader


  Giant Panda Yang Yang holds a brush behind pictures it painted at Schoenbrunn Zoo in Vienna, Austria, August 10, 2018. One hundred of her works will be sold online for 490 euros each, to fund a picture book about the Vienna zoo's pandas. Picture taken August 10, 2018. Heinz-Peter Bader

