江苏国际在线 > 苏眼环球
来源:视觉中国   2019-02-11 09:25:00

  2019年2月10日讯(具体拍摄时间不详),美国夏威夷,一名幸运的滑翔机飞行员在300米高空拍摄了一张令人惊叹的自拍:一道环形彩虹似乎完美地环绕着滑翔机上的他和教练。42岁的Hiren Khakharia来自新泽西州布里奇沃特,他说照片展示了下小雨时下方形成的圆形彩虹,在折射光消失之前只有几分钟的时间来捕捉它。(图片作者:Solent News/视觉中国)

  A lucky microlight pilot catches a stunning selfie flying through the air with a circular rainbow beneath him. The rainbow appears to circle the aircraft and his instructor perfectly as they fly 1,000 feet over Oahu in North Shore, Hawaii.

  Hiren Khakharia, 42, had just a few minutes to capture the refracted light before it disappeared. The photographer from Bridgewater, New Jersey, USA, said: "This picture shows a circular rainbow that formed beneath us when there a light drizzle.

