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来源:视觉中国   作者:Marcelo del Pozo   2019-04-04 09:49:00
当地时间4月3日,世界旅游业理事会( WTTC )第19届全球峰会在西班牙塞维利亚举办,美国前总统奥巴马出席开幕式并发表讲话。

  当地时间2019年4月3日,世界旅游业理事会(WTTC)第19届全球峰会在西班牙塞维利亚举办,美国前总统奥巴马出席开幕式并发表讲话。(图片作者:Marcelo del Pozo/视觉中国)

  Seville in Spain is hosting the 19th Summit of the World Travel & Tourism Council, which brings together the leaders of the global travel and tourism industry, from April 3-4. Former U.S. President Barack Obama (L) speaks to the audience during the World Travel and Tourism Council Global Summit.(Photo by Marcelo del Pozo/Getty Images)

